What is nutrient juggling?
In today's world people are starving, but not in a way you might think. Nutrient juggling is a program for optimal physical, mental, and spiritual health that few practice today.
Modern people are losing the sparks of life. This is something I will elaborate on later. Sparks of life are tiny things full of energy that keeps our entire physiology going. Seeds, eggs, and stem cells are some of the major sources here on Earth but by no means are the only source.
The majority of people in modern society may look healthy, but are actually quite sick. It is important to keep this in mind when dealing with others. There are many ways to mask one's true health, such as with makeup, disguises, and modern medicine.
There are many false websites that give terrible health advice and perpetrate myths. (Read more on WHY later) Some of these myths include talk of toxins, meat-based diets like paleo/keto, and saunas. These things can make the body very unhealthy and can be very dangerous.
Why is this important? Juggling your nutrition is vital to living a fulfilling, conscious, and healthy life. You will be amazed at your cognitive potential when you begin reseeding your body. You will help free yourself of past traumas. People who practice nutrient juggling rarely get cancer, diabetes, depression, and other illnesses. How do I begin reseeding my body? Reseeding the body is a big commitment and cannot easily be done on your own.