Rape is very tragic. It introduces trauma and bad seed into the body. There are many individuals who know this, and rape for this very purpose. Bad seed damages the body and reverses any nutrient juggling being achieved.
What if I am raped?
It is important to immediately cleanse the vaginal canal. One can do this with douching. This will hopefully eliminate as much bad seed as possible and cause minimal harm.
How do I prevent being raped?
Contrary to popular advice, one should not dress or look meek. It is important to look very strong and independent in how one carries themselves and dresses. Women should exude confidence. These are signs of good health, and rapists will not likely waste their time on you if you are a healthy, strong target.
Women are encouraged to wear makeup and feature-accentuating clothes. Just don't overdo it, or you might send a different message.
Is all rape bad?
This is a very complicated issue. There are superior beings from other planets who are trying to revitalize the human population on Earth. They have telepathy and other advanced technologies we are still not close to obtaining. Their reseeding project started in approximately the 1870's.
People, especially young children, are beamed out of their bedrooms at night and raped. The idea is that by introducing exotic seed into our population, human beings can one day become healthy and an advanced species ourselves.
This is obviously a very controversial project. Some jugglers endorse it and try to get abducted themselves. Others are believers in the program from past abductions, and yet others find serious moral problems with it despite the noble cause.
The other beings obscure the memory, and most people have no knowledge of it happening. They may wake up especially tired, but go on to have more energy in the next days.