Semen analysis is one tool utilized to assess a man's health. The seed is examined and tested for multiple variables, including volume, sperm count, motility, and morphology.
Even if you've had your semen assessed in the past, it is important to do it again. The major reason being that so-called normal lab results are far from normal.
How and why?
Semen is collected in a cup and sent into a lab for testing. It is not encouraged that someone new to reseeding do this immediately, however. It is a given that someone new to the program will have a poor result, and losing seed through the test is simply not worth it. More experienced jugglers should test a sample a few times a year to make sure one's health is on track.
What are normal results?
It is important to completely dismiss the lab's interpretations of your result. What is considered normal is based on very sick, lifeless people. Just think about it-- normal semen morphology (the percentage of semen that isn't deformed) is considered to be a mere 4-15%. That means in a so-called normal man, 90% of his sperm is deformed. It does not take much thought to realize that something is very wrong with this, and that this could not be the natural order of things.
Another problem we run into is the lab reporting the results to be inconclusive or contaminated for experienced nutrient jugglers. Being told this should give one an automatic "pass". They are simply not used to truly normal sperm values, and think it must be in error.
The reality is that sperm morphology should be upwards 90% normal, and the total number of sperm cells should easily exceed over a billion.
What if I'm a woman?
Unfortunately there is not a test to assess women. Women are born with a set number of eggs that then rapidly decline as one ages. We believe nutrient jugglers will have a healthy supply of eggs longer than most, because the body will not consume as many in an effort to stay healthy.