What is vampirism?

There are some very misguided individuals who think ingesting blood will embody them with life. This could not be further from the truth.

These individuals are evil, or at best very naiive and misled. Some of these people look entirely normal, while others belong to a subculture whose outward appearance is obvious.

Ingesting blood does not provide any benefit and can be harmful and cruel. While our blood does transport life sparks throughout our body, once it is in this form it is for us alone. Others cannot achieve any benefit from it. Vampirism is a morally and nutritionally corrupt ideology.

What are the risks?

Ingesting blood puts one at risk for diseases and illnesses. Too much foreign blood confuses the body due to the incompatible life sparks and energy. It is also difficult to obtain blood without a willing, safe partner. Those who fall victim to such ideologies are at risk of falling for others and getting even further from the correct path.

What about blood transfusions?

Blood transfusions are not encouraged. These can make the body very confused with the large amount of unprocessable conflicting life energy. That said, if one's life is at risk one should get a blood transfusion without hesitation. While it may not be healthy, it is better than dying and one can get on the right path again later.

How do I spot a vampire?

Those who embody a particular subculture are easy to spot. They tend to dress in black, may have sharper teeth due to tooth filing, and appear paler due to severe nutritional bankruptcy.

These people, however, are usually sheep. Unfortunately the most dangerous individuals do not look different at all. One may get a sense of foreboding or chills in their presence. It is best to trust your gut and not ever let yourself in a compromising situation. These vampires are much more advanced and can even suck life energy from you through the air.

How can I protect myself?

Trust your gut. If you get a bad feeling from someone, it is probably for a good reason. Nutritional jugglers have enhanced intuition and can sense those that prey on life energy.

Never go out alone with someone you do not know very well. If you suspect someone of being a vampire, it is best to stay away. There are some situations where this is not easily possible, such as with a family member or boss. In these cases it is best to try not to make them angry or taunt them. Trained vampires are a dangerous foe to jugglers but with the right awareness and strength one can make the risk minimal.

Folk remedies such as garlic no longer work against vampires. These are no longer recommended.