What is reseeding?
Reseeding is the process of bringing sparks of life back to a person. Most people are critically low on this precious element, and this has terrible consequences individually and for the whole planet.
1. Diet
Diet is the most significant factor in one's overall health. We are what we eat. Those who do not nutrient juggle are devoid of life elements.
Seeds and eggs are vitally important. They are full of sparks of life, and the energy we need to thrive. Foods like meat are completely devoid of this lifeforce, and even negatively impact your being. It is recommended to avoid these foods.
A. Fruits and Vegetables
The following are foods with lots of seeds.
What about apples?
No. Some fruits may contain many seeds but not all seeds are equal. Some plants, like the apple, have inedible seeds that one should avoid. While apple seeds are common, they were tainted in the Garden of Eden. You may eat apples occasionally, but you must pay very close attention to discard the seeds.
B. Grains & Seeds
Grains are important to eat for optimal digestive function. It is easy to "hack" this food group too by adding the following types of seeds to your breads and grains. Doing so will jumpstart and maintain the reseeding process.
These can also be added to other foods, used as garnish, or eaten alone as a snack.
C. Dairy & Eggs
Eggs are a great source of life sparks and protein. Like the seed, they are the start of life and bounce with energy. Eggs can be eaten fried, scrambled, poached, or even raw. It would be a mistake to limit yourself to chicken eggs though. Consider the following eggs for a more robust nutrition profile.
Other forms of dairy are not beneficial to reseeding. Cheese and yogurt should not be considered major parts of the diet. Should you choose to eat these foods, consider topping them with roasted seeds or berries.
What about blood?
No. Some are mislead and told blood is a vital source of life sparks. While it is true that it transports life throughout the body, by this point it has transformed into an energy that others cannot readily use. We do not recommend blood in any form and any meat consumed should be very well-done. Read about vampirism here.
D. Meat
By its very nature, meat is devoid of life. Dead flesh is not recommended in any form and is actively discouraged. Vegetarianism or near vegetarianism are required of a nutrient juggling diet plan.
E. Oils and sweets
As one can suspect, oil and sweets are not a part of nutrient juggling. For advanced jugglers, indulging in sweets occasionally is fine. Most people, however, are so depleted after a lifetime of improper diet that it'd be unwise to waste time eating these things.